I've been absent from the blogs lately because I've been spending a great deal of time preparing for the Arnhem fair. I'm excited to show several new things, including a windmill kit in 2 color choices (the fans turn) and a 1:24 scale Snow Village kit (includes all 5 buildings). For the mini patisserie chefs, there will be new cupcake wrappers with fancy edges.
If you will be in Arnhem Oct 28-30, please stop by table PC12 and say hello!
New Windmill Kits and several buildings from the 1:24 scale Snow Village set. |
The fans of the Windmill kits turn and they include an LED light. |
New 1:24 scale Snow Village Set. Includes 5 buildings. LEDs are available. |
New cupcake wrappers with fancy edges. |