
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Texas Miniature Showcase 2013

Arrangement by Helen David.
Mr. T2S and I enjoyed returning to Dallas and seeing the friends that we had made last year. It was the one year anniversary of my miniature teaching career! This year, the class made little wreaths with a glitter house inside. 

The exhibits drew crowds all weekend. These are some talented ladies!

A porch scene in quarter scale by Karen Carter.
One of the clubs exhibited their chocolate shops. We enjoyed seeing how they incorporated the Eiffel Tower chocolate display kits and the chocolates made from the molds. It's a good thing that the scenes were protected by cases because they looked so decadent!

Chocolate Shop by Susan Sanchez.

Chocolate Shop by Susan Sanchez.

The Little Village glitter house kits and icicle shelf edging were incorporated into a cheerful market stall.

Market stall by Kendra S.
I met Helen David last year in Dallas. Sadly, she passed away this spring. The remainder of Helen's floral arrangements were being sold by her daughter. Helen was known for creating historically and seasonally accurate floral arrangements. Her legacy will continue as her daughter will make the laser cut flowers available through the website,

Floral arrangements by Helen David.
Lisa Engler (Lisa's Little Things) offered kits and finished items to complete a 1:12 coffee shoppe. It is l-o-v-e-l-y!


  1. Hola!!
    Muy bonito todo!! Lo mejor la pasteleria, es espectacular!!
    Un saludo, Helena.

  2. Fantastic miniatures! I'm delighted!

  3. Thanks for sharing. I really like the Chocolate shop.
    Bye, Faby
