
Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Online Show - Shopping in My Pajamas

How often can you shop for minis from all over the world, dressed in your pajamas? If you haven't already stopped by the online show, you may wish to drop in for a visit. There are so many dealers! I bought a couple of lovely kits from Jean Day. I'm looking forward to putting these together!


  1. That was great fun! Thank you Carol.

  2. Una fantastic compra son una maravilla.
    Gracias por el enlace.
    besitos ascension

  3. The online show was so enjoyable..thanks so much for sharing, I didn't know about it until this morning. What fun..and in PJ's.
    I'd love to see more of these, how do I find out info regarding dates and such?
    Thanks again..
    Have a fun filled weekend... Happy sales!

    1. Hi Sandy. I think if you register with the online show, you may receive email notifications about upcoming shows. Also, the show organizer, Shelly Norris, is on Facebook. She may also post on FB about the upcoming shows. The next online show is scheduled for August. Happy shopping!

  4. I'm so glad I caught your post about this show! I've never heard of it before, and I'm passing the word along to others. I wish the site explained how it all worked a little more fully, though. I did send an email to them asking my questions, and saying it wasn't very clear on the site. Maybe they'll post the answers to some of our questions on their site.

    1. Hi Sharon, each dealer has a contact form on their page. Let the dealer know what you would like to purchase. The dealer will email you back with a Paypal invoice or other payment instructions. Have fun!

  5. Hi Carol, I just found this, the show was so much fun, I hope you enjoyed it too and thank you very much for featuring my minis. I'm looking forward to the new show in August too. Cheers, Jean
