
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Fire for the Fireplace

I have been a terrible blogger lately. With so many things going on, it's been difficult to keep up with posting and reading blogs. However, I have made a bit of progress on my 1:24 scale Art Deco library. I've finally completed the fire!


  1. Carol, That came out so perfect! I have to make one for my "Crooked House" in the near future so this picture of yours is very inspiring!! Good to see you blog again! I know how RL can take right over once in awhile!

  2. Te ha quedado verdaderamente real, perfecto!!!
    besitos ascension

  3. Está genial!!!me gusta mucho como te ha quedado, muy real! Un beso

  4. That is so real - it makes me warm to look at it - I'm enjoying catching up with the other bits of your art deco room too. It is going to be gorgeous!

  5. Realmente increible. Es totalmente perfecto.
    Besitos, May

  6. Good to see you back. That fire is amazing!

  7. It looks so real...amazing...I've been wanting to make one for my handmade barbecue grill...

  8. Thank you for your kind comments. I forgot to mention that the "cinders" are made from kitty litter. :)

  9. Este fuego para la chimenea esta perfecto.
    Estas haciendo muchas cosas a la vez y siempre tenemos que dejar algo por hacer. No te preocupes, esperamos tus entradas :)
    Besos Clara
